Differential contribution of personality to the explanation of variance in achievement in the first language and mathematics at high school level

Mechaéla Scott ◽  
Jan L. De K. Monteit
1984 ◽  
Vol 77 (8) ◽  
pp. 628-630
Gerald Kulm

As computer literacy and programming ability increase at the elementary and junior high school levels, more thought must be given to the role of computers in mathematics learning. One step to be taken at the high school level is to accept Gerald Rising's (1983) suggestion to separate computer science and mathematics. This proposal is an excellent one and would help us to focus on ways to improve mathematics learning through the use of computers.

1971 ◽  
Vol 64 (3) ◽  
pp. 215-218
Theodore H. MacDonald

With the increasing emphasis in the classroom being placed on “;learning by discovery,” high school students are encouraged to see interrelationships within subject areas embraced by their courses. This has led, not unnaturally, to interdisciplinary analyses of certain key themes in science and in life generally at the high school level. One of the fundamental tasks of any science teacher is to exhort his students to find connections between physics, chemistry, biology, and mathematics as a means of unifying an approach to the physical sciences.

Zamandlovu S. Makola ◽  
Pumeza Saliwe ◽  
Itumeleng Dube ◽  
Ramodungoane Tabane ◽  
Awelani V. Mudau

Tertiary institutions in South Africa are experiencing alarming undergraduate drop-out rates. This has partly been attributed to students’ inadequate preparation, and failure to gather information on, and planning for, their careers. The need for sound career guidance at the high school level is key, making the role of Life Orientation (LO) increasingly prominent. The aim of this study was to determine what benefits high school learners derive from attending career talks. To this end, a qualitative study was conducted with Grade 10 learners studying STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) at a township high school in Mamelodi, Tshwane. Data were collected using a qualitative questionnaire and analysed thematically. The findings demonstrated the importance of role models sharing information on their careers and work experiences. Another finding pertained to the importance of information on diverse careers, for the development of learners’ career self-efficacy as students of STEM in a township high school context. The findings highlight the importance of LO teachers organising career workshops. The study will benefit the Department of Basic Education, businesses, and employers as key stakeholders, by helping to enhance the career development of future employees and entrepreneurs.

Beny Septian Panjaitan And Rahmad Husein

This study aimed at analyzing the cognitive dimension based on Revised BloomTaxonomy in reading questions in Look Ahead an English Course for Senior HighSchool Level 1, 2, & 3. This study used quantitative research design. The sampleswere 141 reading questions which taken by using random sampling technique byusing Statistical Program for Social Science (SPSS) version 20.0. in Look Aheadan English Course for Senior High School Level 1, 2, & 3. The data were analyzedby using Table analysis of cognitive dimension of Revised Bloom Taxonomy. Theanalysis showed that the most dominant cognitive dimension of Revised BloomTaxonomy in remembering dimension (57.45%). The second dominant cognitivedimension is understanding dimension (26.24%). The third dominant cognitivedimension is evaluating dimension (10.64%). The fourth dominant cognitivedimension is creating dimension (3.55%). The fifth dominant cognitive dimension isanalyzing dimension (2.13%). There was no cognitive dimension of applyingdimension that applied in reading question of the textbooks.

Hardianti Abubakar ◽  
Yolanda MTN Apituley ◽  
Lilian M. Soukotta

As a form of diversified processed fish meat, tuna meatball is very popular to people in Ambon. This type of food is sold by traders from Java by walking or cycling. Difficulties living in the origin area require traders to leave their families and go out looking for jobs in other areas with hopes that the family needs are met. The purpose of this research is to analyze (1). Characteristics of mobile tuna meatball traders in Ambon, (2). The amount of income received by mobile tuna meatball traders in Ambon, and (3). Percentage income utilized by the mobile tuna meatball traders either in family or personal needs. The study was conducted by survey and data obtained through interviews and observations from May to October 2018. The results show that the average age of meatball traders was between <25-65 yo, having education in junior and senior high school level, with the highest number of dependants 1-2 people and <5 years trading experience. The average income of tuna fish meatball traders is Rp. 4,747,231, - which is used for personal and family needs. Seven  traders use more than 50% for family needs and the rest for personal needs, while six traders utilize more than 60 % for personal needs and the rest for family needs.

2020 ◽  
Vol 24 (04) ◽  
pp. 330-340
Wayan Suryasa ◽  
Jose Reynaldo Zambrano Mendoza ◽  
Telmo Mendoza Mera ◽  
Maria Elena Moya Martinez ◽  
Maria Rodriguez Gamez

Jurnal KATA ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 371
Rissari Yayuk

<p><em>This study examines the focal point of illustration of the first winner of the contest for writing opinion of the senior high school level in South Kalimantan. This study aims to describe 1) the focus point of illustration of the title of the first winner of the contest writing opinion of the senior high school level in South Kalimantan? 2) the focal point of information information of the first winner of writing contest for high school level opinion in South Kalimantan; 3) the focal point of illocution of the moral message of the first winner of the high school opinion writing contest in South Kalimantan. The study was conducted in October 2016 at Balai Bahasa Balai. The method used is qualitative deskreptif. The technique used in this paper is the sampling purposive sampling. The sample used as data is the first winner of the contest for writing the opinion of the senior high school level in South Kalimantan, in South Kalimantan Language Hall, in 2016. This first winner is named Norhidayah, a student of SMAN 4 Banjarbaru, with the title of Language Role in Introducing Children of Nation. Data analysis is done by steps, data collection, data identification, classification, selection and interpretation. The results of data analysis are presented in ordinary words with technical terminology. Based on the results of the study of the focal point of the article, the first winner of the South Kalimantan high school opinion writing contest includes the focus point of the title illusion, the focus point of information illocution, and the focus point of the illustration of the moral mandate. The focus of the title illustration can be seen in the meaning of its ilokusinya, language, and suitability of the theme in the title. The focus point of the information illumination of the article can be seen in its meaning of ilokusinya, its language style, and the type of discourse. The focus point of the illustration of its moral mandate can be seen in the author's expectations contained in the title, the focus of the information, and on the final paragraph of the paper</em></p><p><em><br /></em></p><p>Masalah yang dibahasa mengenai titik fokus ilokusi  artikel pemenang pertama  lomba penulisan opini tingkat SLTA se-Kalimantan Selatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan 1) titik fokus ilokusi judul artikel pemenang pertama  lomba penulisan opini tingkat SLTA se-Kalimantan Selatan? 2) titik fokus ilokusi informasi artikel pemenang pertama  lomba penulisan opini tingkat SLTA se-Kalimantan Selatan; 3) titik fokus ilokusi amanat moral  artikel pemenang pertama  lomba penulisan opini tingkat SLTA se-Kalimantan Selatan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Oktober 2016 di Balai Bahasa Kalimantan Selatan. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskreptif kualitatif. Teknik yang digunakan dalam tulisan ini adalah pengambilan sampel purposive sampling. Sampel yang dijadikan data adalah artikel pemenang pertama lomba penulisan opini tingkat SLTA se-Kalimantan Selatan, di Balai Bahasa Kalimantan Selatan, tahun 2016. Pemenang pertama ini bernama Norhidayah, siswa SMAN 4 Banjarbaru, dengan judul Peran Bahasa dalam Mencerdaskan Anak Bangsa. Analisis data dilakukan dengan  langkah-langkah, pengumpulan data, indentifikasi data, klasifikasi, seleksi dan  interpretasi. Hasil analisis data disajikan dengan kata-kata biasa dengan terminologi yang teknis sifatnya. Berdasarkan hasil kajian titik fokus ilokusi artikel pemenang pertama  lomba penulisan opini tingkat SLTA se-Kalimantan Selatan  meliputi titik fokus ilokusi judul, titik fokus ilokusi  informasi , dan  titik fokus ilokusi amanat moral.Titik fokus ilokusi judul dapat dilihat pada makna ilokusinya, gaya bahasanya, daya bahasa, dan kesesuaian tema pada judul. Titik fokus ilokusi informasi artikel dapat dilihat pada makna ilokusinya, gaya bahasanya, dan jenis wacananya.Titik fokus ilokusi amanat moralnya dapat dilihat pada harapan penulis yang terdapat pada judul, fokus informasi, dan pada paragrap akhir karya tulis</p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 18-28
Najim Ussiph ◽  
Hamidu Kwame Seidu

A quasi experiment with interview was adopted to study the aptness of using 3D animations as an instructional method to introduce programming concepts to students at the Senior High School level. This research work was conducted with 100 students of Akroso Senior High School in the Birim central municipality of the eastern region of Ghana who were generally programming novice. Programming concepts considered included programming environments, loops, functions sequential and conditional execution of programs. A paired t-test carried out on the results of the performance test presents a p-value of 0.008 indicative of a numerically significant difference between the mean marks of participants during the experiments that used 3D animation method as against the experiments that used the text base method. Results from the interview showed that the instructional method used had impact on the performance of the learners. The use of 3D animation method presented programming concepts in a form that the learners can understand, motivates them to pursue programming related courses at a higher level and also impacts positively on their performance.

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